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Dr. T.C. Boring was murdered on May 10, 1980 at his residence that was once located at 103 Virginia Street in Greenwood Mississippi. His Cold Case is still unsolved and tragically his unsolved murder is fabricated with Murderablia sold by Photographer William Eggleston and his family.

Dr. Boring's daughter Jane Flowers organized US Navy Veteran Dentist Dr. T.C. Boring's Memorial Fund in hopes it will help preserve her father's legacy.

Your donations will also help her to further preserve her father's Legacy and unsolved murder that is fabricated with Murderablia sold by Photographer William Eggleston and his family members while donating ten percent of all charitable donations to his favorite charity The American Legion Charities.

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Dr. T.C. Boring is seen in this YouTube Video under his photograph claiming he loves going to the The American Legion as this is his favorite Charity. This video clip is from a scene in Photographer William Eggleston's Gothic Cult classic called Stranded in Canton. Stranded in Canton was published in 2005 and within the film is featured Mudereablia in regards to Dr. T.C. Boring's life and Unsolved murder.

Your Donations not only contribute to Dr. Boring's favorite charity, but you are also helping to bring awareness in regards to Dr. Boring's unsolved murder that is fabricated with Murderablia sold by Photographer william Eggleston and his family members for profit.

Dr. Boring was murdered on May 10, 1980 at 103 Virginai Street in Greenwood, Mississippi. His Cold Case unsolved murder was reoped by the Greenwood Mississippi Police Department on the grounds new evidence has come to light. Hopefully soon Dr. Boring will have Justice.

US Navy Veteran Dentist Dr. T.C Boring's Life and unsolved murder is fabricated with Murderablia sold by Photographer William Eggleston and his family members. These films below here are perfect examples of how William Eggleston and his family profit off of Dr. Boring's unsolved murder with Murderabilia.

The photograph of the murder weapon Eggleston claims murdered Dr. Boring is considered Murderabilia. Eggleston started selling Murderablia in 1983 with his photograph called (Untitled) Near the River at Greenville Mississippi c. 1983 - 1986. He got the photograph from a third party.

Under the Son of Sam Law Eggleston can be prosecuted for receiving the murder weapon from a third party and profiting off of it with his Murderablia. Eggleston makes claims about the murder weapon at his portrait exhibitions, in his books and films. This makes Eggleston one of the main suspects in Dr. Boring's unsolved murder.

His motive to have Dr. Boring murdered when he was away in Kenya on May 10, 1980 was so that he could profit off his murder with his Murderabilia.

Eggleston also took photographs of Dr. Boring's home at 508 Macarthur Av. before 1971 that Eggleston uses as his Murderablia. Eggleston claims with some of the photos he took at 508 Macarthur Av. that the photos were taken where Dr. Boring was murdered at 103 Virginia Street.

This is a lie by Eggleston. He has two different claims as to where Dr. Boring was murdered with the photograph he took of Boring called (Untitled) T.C. Boring 1972. William Eggleston and his family are profiting off Dr. Boring's unsolved murder with their Murderabilia and they have no plans or intentions on stopping because that would stop their paycheck. They get paid to profit off my Dr. Boring's life and unsolved murder with their Murderabilia and lies.

This is why the Greenwood Mississippi Police Department is investigating William Eggleston and his family because Eggleston and his family have been profiting off of claims that Dr. Boring was murdered with a hatchet with the photograph taken by Eggleston, Jr called (Untitled) Near the River at Greenville Mississipi c. 1983-1986.

The murder weapon, a hatchet, in the photograph needs to be admitted to the Mississippi State Crime Lab. Dr. Boring's daughter is also going to have her father's decomposed body exhumed from his grave so a forensic pathologist can compare the cuts and contusions on his forehead with the murder weapon, that Eggleston is possibly in possession of.

If you are not familiar with the Murderablia then by reading publications that Dr. Boring's daughter wrote then you will learn more about how US Navy Veteran Dentist Dr. T.C. Boring's unsolved murder is fabricated with Murderablia. William Eggleston and his family profit off of Dr. T.C. Boring's unsolved murder and they do not want closer for Dr. Boring's family. They want to continue to profit off of Dr. Boring's unsolved murder with Murderabilia.

You can donate to The Dr. T.C. Boring Legacy Foundation below here

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You can donate any amount of money to Dr. Boring's Legacy Foundation as you see fit.


Below here are films by William Eggleston that detail Dr. T.C. Boring's life and unsolved murder. Within the films you see Murderablia and hear Eggleston make claims about Dr. Boring's unsolved murder.

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Stranded in canton was released in 2005 in the USA. It was filmed by Photographer William Eggleston with a Sony Porta Pak during 1974 and 1975. Eggleston, Jr documented Dr. Boring's life in the film while making false defamatory claims about his Cold Case murder with Murderablia. Eggleston and his family have been profiting off of Dr. Boring's unsolved murder with Murderblia since 1983 and they don't want to bring justice to Dr. Boring's Cold Case murder and closer to his family because they make to much money profiting off the lies they claim with Dr. Boring's life, career in the US Navy and with his unsolved murder and with their Murderablia.

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William Eggleston In The Real World was released November 18, 2005 in the United Kingdom. It features Photographer William Eggleston and his son Winston Eggleston. The film was directed by Michael Almereyda. In the film he tracked Eggleston, Jr on trips, but he gives particular attention to downtown Memphis, Tennessee. Within the film you see Murderablia shown by William Eggleston and his family in regards to Dr, Boring's life and unsolved murder.

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Imagine The Colorful Mr. Eggleston was released July 14, 2009 by BBC One in the United Kingdom. It features Murderablia in regards to Dr. T.C. Boring's unsolved murder and life. The photograph of the murder weapon William Eggleston and his family claim murdered Dr. Boring is shown in the film while Eggleston makes fabricated claims about Dr. Boring's murder for profit. The Photograph of the murder weapon is called (Untitled) Near the River at Greenville Mississippi c. 1983 - 1986. Eggleston started selling Murderablia in regards to Dr. Boring's unsolved murder since 1983 and currently he is one of the main suspects in Dr. Boring's Cold Case murder.



Your Donations will also help erract a stutue of U.S. Navy Veteran Dentist Dr. T.C. Boring in his Honor on or near the grounds where he was murdered on May 10, 1980 at his rescidence that was once located at 103 Virginia Street in Greenwood Mississippi and to help replace his Tombstone that does not have the correct information about his career in the U.S. Navy because his Tombstone states he was a Korean Navy War veteran when he never was. Dr. Boring was in Dental School studying to become a dentist during the Korean War. So his Tombstone doesn't have the correct information.

Dr. Boring joined the U.S. Navy Janurary 13, 1949 and he was discharged from the US Navy in 1972.

Your donation will help eract a bench and statue in U.S. Navy Veteran Dentist Dr. T.C. Boring's honor. People from all walks of the world can come to visit his statue and pay remeberance to his Legacy he left behind.

Your donations will help replace U.S. Navy Dentist Dr. T.C. Boring's tombstone with a tombstone that has the correct information on the front. Currently his tombstone states he was a Korean war Veteran which is a claim placed on his tombstone by mistake.

Your donation will also help open a museum and coffee shop up in U.S. Navy Veteran Dentist Dr. T.C. Boring's honor in Downtown Greenwood Mississippi close to where Dr. Boring had his Dentist office. People from all walks of the world can come to visit his museum and coffee shop and pay remeberance to his Legacy he left behind.

The museum will feature things and stories about Dr. Boring's life. Newspaper clippings about Dr. Boring's life and unsolved murder will be framed and put on the wall of the museum along with other stuff from the Delta. Photography about William Eggleston's Murderablia will be put on display.

Dr. Boring's Legacy Foundation will also have a coffee shop next to the museum and it will have a doorway that goes into the museum. The coffee shop will hold daily A A Meetings in the museum. The coffee shop and museum will offer options for military veterans and the gereal public to get help with their sobriety by enabling them to come together in the AA meetings and talk about their struggles with sobriety.

The Coffee shop will mostly center around helping military veterans and people who want to get sober because there will be AA meetings held there daily in the museum. Your donations will help fund the museum and coffee shop to honor the legacy and Memory of U.S. Navy Veteran Dentist Dr. T.C. Boring, Jr. left behind and your donations will also provide help for Veterans in need of your charitable donations.



Copyright © 2023 Dr. T.C. Boring Legacy Foundation All Rights Reserved. The Dr. T.C. Boring LegacyFoundation is a registered trademark of The Dr. T.C. Boring Legacy Foundation. All other registered trademarks herein are the property of their respective owners.


Phone: 601-453-6448


Address: 665 S Pear Orchard, Ste 106 - 788, Ridgeland, Ms 39157

Monday - Sunday

9:00 AM - 06:00 PM Eastern Time